Thursday, January 31, 2019

Fitness instructor loves Gouranga
I met a fitness instructor at the gym about 4 years ago. I asked her how she was & she revealed to me how she was feeling down as she had failed her personal trainer test. My reply was why not count all the things in her life that she can be grateful for such as a place to live, people who love her...the list was getting longer. I also taught her Gouranga.
Ever since then whenever I saw she would come & give me a hug & say Gouranga. Today she runs 32 classes, has her own successful buisness & a GOURANGA sticker by her kitchen sink & calls out Gouranga every day.
I bumped into her today at Acqua aerobics. She was the teacher. She explained to another person at the class how Gouranga has impacted her life & encouraged this lady to call out GOURANGA.
Love happy endings.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Gratitude and Gouranga

Fill your life with gratitude and the positive affirmation and power of Gouranga! It will change your life forever.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Gouranga and the mind

Don't be a slave to your mind, be your minds best friend. Quieten the negative solutions your mind offers you with the soothing power of Gouranga!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Friday, July 29, 2016


Many people eat processed foods these days & these foods do not provide the necessary mineral that the body needs for healthy strong teeth thus decay & gum problems have their beginning....

Inflamed gums means bacteria are travelling throughout the blood & can cause a myriad of diseases including heart disease & Alzheimers.

There is a school of thought which says if you practice 'oil pulling' this ensures clean gums.

I myself practised this everyday, not knowing the mouth has a 'microbiome' just as the 'gut' does.
Oil pulling ( I used coconut oil with essential oils added) kills ALL the bacteria, both the good and the bad.
I learn that it is fine to use oil pulling perhaps twice a week but as soon as you finish, it is best to rinse your mouth with clean water then re-establish the balance of the bacteria by using a probiotic powder or drink & rinse your mouth with this.
The good bacteria actually protect the gums & stop the bad bacteria from gaining entrance to the deeper pockets of the gums.
So I have followed this protocol for some time and can honestly tell you it works. My gums are the healthiest they have been for a long time & getting better all the time.

If you look at Dr Axe'x website he has a wonderful recipe for home made toothpaste.

Dr Axe's toothpaste recipe

Dr Axe also has a recipe for a very effective mouth wash which you can make at home:

Mouthwash recipe

Bacteria from the mouth found in brain cells

Cardiovascular health linked to oral hygiene

Sunday, June 26, 2016



Image result for unity loving everyone

We are vibrational beings so what we think is energy thus creates waves of vibration.
Positive thought will create positive vibrations thus bring you closer to you getting what you want by matching the vibrations of what you want.
Raise your vibrations by

  • standing barefoot on the grass, sand or soil (it grounds you, connects you to receiving negative electrons from the earth) 
  • smelling essential oils
  • laughing
  • feeling love
  • calling our GOURANGA (I have tried many experiments on myself & others & noted calling out Gouranga works immediately, creating waves of happiness)
  • being grateful
  • dancing
  • eating raw vegetables
  • being creative
  • deep breathing
  • meditating